1792-07-12 (static/transcriptions/1792/07/065.jpg)

charges that he never received any part of the consideration of the said Bond, but entered into the same merely as a surety for the said Charles Wyatt. And your orator further charges that the said Charles Wyatt has also in his Custody power or procurement two other satisfied Bonds one entered into by your orator and the said Charles Wyatt to one Radacaunt Chuckerbutty for the Principal Sum of Sicca Rupees Six thousand and one either entered into by your orator and the said Charles Wyatt to one Bolloobycaunt Doss for the Principal Sum of Sicca Rupees Seven thousand both of which said Bonds your orator further charges should and ought to be delivered up to him by the said Charles Wyatt as your orator never received any part of the consideration of either of the said two last mentioned Bonds, but entered into and executed them merely as a surety for the said Charles Wyatt, who nevertheless your Orator charges refuses to give up or to cancell all or either