1782-07-05 (static/transcriptions/1782/07/031.jpg)
1782. 3 Term [[Friday]] July 5
The jurisdiction of the court; and to his desire to draw as much jurisdiction he can to the Dewanny Adauluts of which he is the head as much jurisdiction as he can: which some people attribute to his desire to raise money from the cases brought before him; for many people here accuse him though I hope falsely with being corrupt: and of late Impey talk in a very different style from what he used to do and particularly as if he thought zemainders ought never to be compelled to pay their debts:]]
[double line]
Hurry Sunder Muttree
Mahomet Assahur Khawn.
Mr. Hall, Moved to enlarge until next Term, the Rule for sitting aside the Judgment obtained by Confession in this Cause. The Rule Nisi was granted on Monday July 1st 1782.
/Mr. Hall