1793-12-13 (static/transcriptions/1793/12/149.jpg)

Known man – that is a man of some consequence [ILL] to provide Lascars – knows not of any claim to [ILL] of a [Creek?] or Nullah.
Evidence for prosecution closed.

John Miller sworn for the Prisoner – knows the Prisoner on the Saturday of the 27th September the [deceased was brought?] to him – he appeared a strong man – appeared swell’d but not such swelling as he would impute to loss of blood from wounds – the wound near his elbow was not deep – he did not see any others because the examining [ILL] he [saw?] seemd to put him [in pain?] he ordered his friends to carry him home – they did so – he heard he died next day – does not believe from the wound he saw and from the description of those he did not see that his death was occasioned by those wounds – he imputes it to some other cause tho’ he cannot tell what cause but he entertained a suspicion that he was poisoned – he hears others suspected the same