1793-12-13 (static/transcriptions/1793/12/152.jpg)

1793. Session. [Friday] Dec. 13

by Messieurs Tulloh &Co. I was at the time when Chumroo Serang died a Writer employ’d by Mr. Fergusson who is a Super-Intendant of Salt and lives at Sulkeah. I know the Prisoner at the Bar by sight. I saw him on the Evening of the 26th of September. I also saw Chumroo I knew his name after the accident happen’d – I saw Mr. Smith waving a sword and Chumroo Serang pursuing him: Mr. Smith was retreating to his own House: a great number of people were with Chumroo. Chumroo came up with Mr. Smith, a Tree obstructed Mr. Smith then
/ Chumroo