1778-02-17 (static/transcriptions/1778/02/034.jpg)

what yesterday, to avoid hurting his Patron Colonel Campbell, late Cheif Engineer, and others who were interested to conceal the truth of the Transaction, he had not told.
By this concealment of the Evidence of Mr. Robert Stewart, what was well understood to have been the truth of the Transaction did not appear.
That truth probably was, that Colonel Campbell, and the other Cheif Engineers in succession, whose duty it was to control the works and the accounts of them, were the true and real contractors, so that they certified their own work, and controul’d their own Bills. It also appear’d in Evidence, that One Third of the money paid by the Company was the full value of the Work done.
Raja Nobkissen, a Raja by the way, of the Company’s making, and whom the Natives pay no respect to, but consider as a mean man though Rich, came on the part of the Plaintiff, and swore that the Plaintiffs were at the time of making the Contract with the Company the real contractors, and were not Trustees
/ for