1778-02-17 (static/transcriptions/1778/02/031.jpg)

1778. Sittings. [Tuesday] Feb. 17th.

Tuesday Feb. 17th 1778.
Monohur Muckerjee & Bridjro Bullob Doss
Tilluckram Puckerassy.

Mr. Robert Stewart’s, examination continued.
When I came into Court Mr. Stewart was speaking, Impey only, was in Court, the Question under consideration was, whether Mr. Stewart who was giving his evidence yesterday, had remark’d that he was in a delicate situation, having, acting as Secretary to Colonel Campbell, been in a condition from whence he derived certain information of facts, which yet it was openly acknowledged he was from delicacy much averse to tell, which delicacy arose from his knowledge being derived from that sort of confidential trust which is placed in a secretary, he having acted as if he were so, to Colonel Campbell, though Colonel Campbell, had not a Secretary drawing pay as such from the Company.
/ Mr. Stewart