1778-04-10 (static/transcriptions/1778/04/015.jpg)

1778. Sittings. Friday April 10th.

Friday April 10th 1778.
I did not come to the Court House till 10o20’. Chambers was there and sitting, a little while before I got there as he inform’d me.
Chambers & Hyde, at 11o30’.

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Ramnaut Mullick
Ranny Perbutty & Neelcunt Roy.

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This is an Action on the Case.
The first Count is Indebitus Assumpsit for Money had and received by the Defendants to the use of the Plaintiff, in the Sum of Twenty One Thousand Five Hundred and One Sicca Rupees.
The second Count; for Money Lent, the same Sum. The Action was founded on a Bengal Writing for that sum, commonly call’d a Bengal Bond. It had a Persian Seal on it, which it was said was the Seal of the Ranny; and was sign’d thus under the Seal; Sree Ranny Paurbudy Deba, with the Pen of Sree Rotnesore Gose” “See Lilllenunto Roy; with the Pen of Sree Bissumber Surmono” No Notice was taken by the Plaint of this Note in Bengal.