1778-06-11 (static/transcriptions/1778/06/004.jpg)
1778. Sessions. [Thursday] June 11th.
to shew him where his Mistress lived: He shew’d the house where a Woman lived who is the daughter of a Dutch Man. Afterward the Prisoner agreed to sell him Pearls. four Rupees were paid to purchase two Pearls. Afterward a Tickley was produced. Then he ask’d for a larger Tickley with a Diamond. That Hingun said Soono had one.
Cabill said if any body would bring 2000 Rupees, the others would sell some thing but he knew nothing of it.
The Wife of Soonah said they had got a Dustuck to go to Dacca and they would sell the things.
He advised Punnah to seize them: He went to Hingun’s House for that Purpose, he was not at home, his Mother said he was at Mustoo’s house: in going thither he met Hingun: He ask’d him why he gave so much trouble about the great Tickle: if he had not that in his own Possession it would be better to sell him what he had: he said he would and produced a Tickle, and the Witness gave him the Money. Then the Merchant came
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