1778-08-11 (static/transcriptions/1778/08/006.jpg)

1778. Sittings. Tuesday August 11th.

Nidderam Chuckerbutty
Sanker Chattergy & Ramniddy Chattergy.
Mr. Sealey, For the Defendant in this Cause.
Some Evidence was produced that the assault was began by the Plaintiff but there being no Plea of Son Assault it could only go in mitigation of Dammages. On which side so ever the assault began we thought it a very frivolous action, and therefore gave
Dammages – 10 Sicca Rupees:
Costs - - - - - 10. S. R.

[Double Line]
William Goddard
Joseph Rees.
An Action on a promissory Note.
Dammages - - - 210 S. Rupees, with Interest from the Commencement of the Cause, and Costs.

[Triple Line]
In Equity.
Ramsunder Narain Metrie, and Bindeserry his Wife
Luckynarain Chowdry
/ Mr. Newman