1785-12-22 (static/transcriptions/1785/12/390.jpg)

not help joining in the prosecution of Gunga Govind, because I could not refuse to to act as I was told by him in whose service I was.
I knew Radhaneth and Ragunath before my master sent me for them, but I knew not on what account he sent me for them. I knew where they were to be found, and they knew me.
I know Gocul [Tonh?], but do not know whether he was ever called Gocul Das. I knew him when I came into Gulom’s Service.
I knew not whether any persons sent by the Defendant gave evidence at Chitpur. My master told only one or two of his servants to call one Ram Connoy Sercar. He desired a Brahmen, his servant, who used to be called Macarjay but I knew not his to bid Guru Presad Macarjay to bid all the servants call me Connoy Sercar.