1785-12-22 (static/transcriptions/1785/12/392.jpg)

1785. Sessions [Thursday] Dec. 22.

Before I came into this court to be examined to-day, I never told any one what I have now said, in the manner in which I have now deposed with all the circumstances and particulars. I did say before the counsel Mr. Davies whatever I knew of the cause; and I said it to him, after my trial, and after the receipt of the subpoena. I was not carried before Mr. Davies. I myself went a. A sercar, who brought the subpoena, said he belonged to Mr. Davies & desired me to wait upon Him. I was arrested by a warrant from this court on the 24th of Aghram: I had then been in Calcutta since the 17th of the same month. I came & concealed myself, near my lodging, in [Gurabagan?], in the lodging of some Zeminder’s vakil, in a house built by Bostain woman who let lodgings. She is a very old woman known by the name of Bosfomi. I came back to Calcutta thinking that the [mischief?] of Ram chandre and Gopy was over, but I concelled my self by