1785-12-22 (static/transcriptions/1785/12/394.jpg)
1785. Sessions [Thursday] Dec. 22.
did a peon come to call me, nor did I myself go to him. I know not who betrayed the place of my concealment. I was not before Prawncrishna or his father, nor at either of their houses: I have seen them pass in their palanquin; they do not know my person: they are great men; and I, poor. I used to do the business of Gopy Canta Ray, and of no other man; but, besides him and Ghulam, I was bid to do business for one or two others by Ramchendra and I did it. I received no money from any except two rupees once from Gopy Canta; Ghulam gave me nothing. On the day of my acquittal Crishna Sercar came to my lodging at Jurabazar in the house of my friend [Govadram?] Dos. I was arrested on 24th Aghram, in the house of Bostomi, by a peon.
When I went to the consultation at Sedruddin’s houses, I saw Sedruddin sitting on