1785-12-23 (static/transcriptions/1785/12/413.jpg)
thither I recollect I saw a person coming out & asked him if Dewan Jee was at home and as he said he was I went up; -- for, as the house is small & situated close to the street, when you have enter’d 2 or 3 yards into the house you can immediately see the staircase within the house.
I remember an elderly [man] whom I have seen at Ramchunder’s house, and who used to come sometimes with papers [from] Ramchunder to Ramgovind M. – I don’t know his [name] but [should] know him if I see him. That is the Man [pointing to Seetaram Ghose.]
I know Ramchunar Mozendar, I’ve seen him at [Ramgovind Metre’s?]