1785-12-27 (static/transcriptions/1785/12/464.jpg)
12th Witness for the Prosecution
William Archibald Edmonstone
I am assistant in the office of [ILL] to the Revenue Department.
These are the original procdeedings of Governor General & Council in Revenue Department. 9 August 1782. (marked F)
Proceedings read.
Present Warren Hastings
Edward Wheler
John Machperson
Governor General’s minute with a letter [from] the judge of Dewanny Adaulut at Burdwan sent in Circuit -- & subscribed to by the [ILL] Members.”
Governor General reports that he has ordered Golaum Ashruff to be confined in the New Fort, & recommends that the Remembrancer of the Criminal Court be directed to make an Inquiry into the charge of the Forgery [ILL] Golam Ashruff informs [ILL] of the result thereof