1786-02-01 (static/transcriptions/1786/02/021.jpg)


that Mr: K: did in fact sell at a discount those to the amount of 60,000 Rs for the discount of which he has charged Plf in a cert; nor supposing they were discontinued does it appear that the purchaser bought then on the genl credit of Mr. K. as agent for Law, without seeing the Lr 3 Feb 1784, which gave a special authority to discount at that time.
Those orders which K: discounted at that time were made payable, to hims: as atty of F. Law, & a man, without being very incautious, might have taken them on his endorsement, but the orders issued in 1785 were payable only to F. Law or his order, and were for money, which it is proved in Evid: was, by discount.
In the other accot that was produced in evid: 5 Sums are specific as having been discounted