1786-02-01 (static/transcriptions/1786/02/022.jpg)


whereas it appears, [from] Mr. Pottinger’s testimony, that not one was in fact discd, & that the charges are false & fraudulent.
As to the opinion of Mr. Ferguson & Mr. Cockerell, it is clear [from] many [ILL] and particularly, from that of
Adie [from] E. I. Compy
Edie & another. V. E. I. Comps.
2 Burrows 1216.3
that no opinion of particular merchants can alter the Law Merchant which is part of the Law of the Land.
Case of Jewels lodged with a banker for a spial purpose, & by him sold in breach of his trust.
Hartop v. Houre.
Strange 1187.
The case of the Lottery ticket quoted & referred to by Ld Mansfield in 1 Burrows 452. That
Case which is