1786-03-23 (static/transcriptions/1786/03/143.jpg)

viz 3 Feb: 1780 – 10127.12.9
6 April 80 – 10302.12.3.
6 June 1780 – 10272:14.3
Making togr CR 30703: 7:3
which he has charged instead of 29812.4:3, and consequently he has overcharged CR 891 A 3 which Sum, with the Interest that we are entitled to have for the sevl sums that he has kept in his hands, as int: pd by him on the 3 Sums of 10000, 10000, and 9812.4.3, will amount to CR 1415 An6 P6.
We therefore demand first – the amount of Cash retd by Mr. Da Costs in his Acct Current.