1786-03-23 (static/transcriptions/1786/03/146.jpg)
2d Wts Mr. Blechingdon proves the Translations of the before mentioned Exhibits, which Trans are marked respectively with the small letters a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i & k & l.
[Single Line]
Mr. Church – proposed to call a wts to prove the Signature of Mr. Peat, Mr. Duval’s Atty, to a rec on the back of the cancelled Bond for CR 25000 & interest which rect shews that it was discharged by 3 bonds given by Deft.
Mr. Davies objected to this Evid: & quoted a case at Nisi Prius from his own notes viz.
Sedger v. Morgan
Hil: 18, Geo. 3. – wre Ld Md wd not allow Deft an atty to give evidce of the value of the sevl articles charged in an upholsterer’s bill, which he had recd 2 years before and made no objection to.
The Court that the case