1786-03-23 (static/transcriptions/1786/03/148.jpg)


Read Exh: a. Acct signed by Deft Balce due this day (30 Apr: 1784) CR 25074 A8 D6
Read Exh: c: a private acct of Mr. [ILL] with Mr. Arreau only, referred to in Exh: produced to shew that the Balce in Exh: a, ought to be CR 26074.8.6 there being an Errour of CR 1000 casting up the amount.
Read Exh: 6. An Acct of 31 July 1785 in which that Errour is acknowledged. NB. The Plf excepts to the manner in which this account is made out, & only produces it for that acknowledgement.
Read Exh. L. Acct of the Vandangeuse in Accot with Deft [which] shews that his share of that [ILL] was AR 10112: he gives Credit for AR 4871.1.3 & makes the Bal due to him AR 5241.9.6
Do Exh: i. Lr d: 8 Dec: 1777: from Deft to Lucas & Arreau