1786-03-28 (static/transcriptions/1786/03/151.jpg)


bond of Arreau & Dacosta for 25000 CR & Int: amounting altogr to CR 29812.4.3. was discharged by Mr. Dacosta giving 3 bonds of CR 10000, & 10000 & 9812.4.3.
Read Exh: H qu. v. it proves the agreement respecting the bills this being the bond given in Court in the [ILL] to be such as Mr. Church had stated.

Mr. Blechingdon is now called again to prove a Transl— e, of a lr Exh E, of which he had before only translated the Pal: also Exh: d to be a transl of D – of which he had at first only translated an Extra: and the Cot had said that as it was all one paper & one accot the whole ought