1786-03-28 (static/transcriptions/1786/03/154.jpg)
Mr. Church now proceeds to shew that Mr. Dacosta has been satisfied for his share of the [ILL] by the amiable Bury; - on the ground of which there is a set off, & a charge in the Acct of July 1785.
Read from Exh: d.
1 Febr: 1775 To my ¼ share of the amot of AR 50000 recd from Mr. Sprott for the adv: to France on the amiable Bury. AR 12500.
Read Exh. e. a Lr d: 26 July 1780 from Dacosta to Arreau – N.B. The Plf only wanted to read the Ps but Mr. Davies desired to have the whole read, [ILL]