1786-03-28 (static/transcriptions/1786/03/157.jpg)
Mr. Church answers that by Exh: a Deft acknowledges a balance due from him 30 Apr 84 of CR 25074.8.6 & Exh: e: is prod: only to shew [ILL] Errour of CR 1000 & that the sum meant to be acknowledged was 26074:8:6 and this is recognized by Defts in Exh: 6: [which] is the Acct of 31 July 17 this comes acct Exh: a: which was an Acct stated.
that by Exh: L: he acknowls to have retained in his hands AR 4871.1.3 CR 5260.125 as part of his share of the advent on Vandangeus from which nothing was ever recd / This Sum is made up of sevl Sums paid by Plf & Lucas to the order of Defts – this comes under money had & recd & money paid & expd by Plf & Ptner