1786-03-28 (static/transcriptions/1786/03/158.jpg)
qu= Interest on that Sum from 4 Dec: 1777 to 5 Mar 1786 at 10 per cent being the Int: of the Court 4339.2.
Same couns with principal
Int: on the 26074.8.6 being on an acct stated, from, May 1781 to 5 Mar: 1785. CR 4816.10.1.
The last article of CR 1415.6.6 made up Thus:
The over charges stated in pa: 72 & proved in Exh: f. g. & H amt to CR 891.3:0
Int on CR 127:12:9 first overch: 77:13:0
Do on 302.12.3 – 177:13:9
Do on 460:10 – 288:8:9
Money had & recd
Mr. Davies in Reply