1778-11-19 (static/transcriptions/1778/11/058.jpg)
1778. 4 Sittings. [Thursday] Nov. 19.
was begun at Banaras, where the Plaintiff was confined in a Necessary-House, at least three days. He was kept in Confinement and carried to Patna in Confinement and often had his hands tied. He was confined two Months. The Parties were proved to be all rich, and the Plaintiff a Bramin, and the Defendant of the Cast of Spice-Sellers.
Dammages - - - 10,000 Sicca Rupees.
[Triple Line]
Oakur Dutt
Lewis Crusius Laplant.
Debt on an English Bond.
It was proved and judgment was for
The Penalty - - - - 30,000 C. R.
[Triple Line]
Sam Sheel
Lessor of Doe
Gowerhurry Day.
An Ejectment.
The Dispute was only boundaries.
A Witness was call’d who both Parties agreed was once owner of the Place in question, and knew the Boundaries.
He knew the small peice of Ground
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