1786-07-10 (static/transcriptions/1786/07/074.jpg)
Deft to cause him to depart Molliter manus imposuit &c –
Replic- de injuriâ suâ Propriâ and thereupon Issue is joined.
Admon of Deft’s Counsel that he is subj: &c [prout]
1. Wts for Plf
Ramkissen Dass.
2d Wts for Plf
Stephen Cassan Esq.
[Single Line]
For the Deft one Wts was examd.
[Single Line]
Jt for Plf. 800 SR Dams.
[Double Line]
Mond: 10 July 1786.
Arreau }
v } Mr. Davies moved
Da Costa} to discharge the last
Rule nisi granted in this suit, [ILL] which Mr. Church opposed & argued in support of the Rx