1786-12-14 (static/transcriptions/1786/12/294.jpg)

Troubled me and by sly provoking aggravating speeches strove to do me Injury and have been obliged once before to complain of him to Captain Gillander on the main guard. Remained from the night of this affair a Prisoner till the 20th and so soon as Mr. Quartermains fingers were well I [ILL] the Civil Law, and now bublickly Exposed to Trial like a [Malaffected?] and for what, Scarcely Defending my life from the attempts of one who threatened to Deprive me of it.
I have served the Honble Company with Credit [ILL] and never was-under Confinement till this Period, for my temper wase always Calm and Placid, I deft any Gentleman under whome I have served to say otherwise. It has been a practice for Mr. Quarterman when he drank a Little to give me ill Language and abuse, and at a Certain time he knocked me down and tore my Cloaths, [I?] was ill at that time, I have some Remnants of the Cloaths and likewise the Grammy with which he beate me last Pradun – and have alas Witnesses to prove what I [aver?], as for to the late Transaction for which I am here. Had I not defended my self I should have been degraded by Every person who knew me in the Military line as a person whose Character is well known.
This I have to submit to the Candid Consideration of my Jurors and the final Decision, I not only Expect from My Earthly but also from an Impartial Heavenly Juge.