1779-03-03 (static/transcriptions/1779/03/003.jpg)

1779. 2 Term. Wednesday March 3d

Wednesday March 3d 1779.

Sir E. Impey
Mr. Justice Chambers
Mr. Justice Hyde.
[Triple Line]

Ahgaw [Hadgee?] Mahomed
Juggut Seat Cossaul Chund.
This is an Action of Trespass on the Case, for Goods Sold and Deliver’d to the Father of the Defendant (and other Counts of the like king) and the Damages were laid, at Three Millions of Sicca Rupees, that is thirty Lacks
To [ILL] Plaint there is a Plea to the Jurisdiction, and Issue join’d on it: and a Plea of Non-Assumpsit infra Sex [ILL] was, and to that Replication that the Defendant was not amenable to the late Mayor’s Court, nor to any other English Court, and that he commenc’d the Action within Six years after the establishment of this Court, to [ILL] Replication there was a demurrer and a Joinder in Demurrer.