1779-03-19 (static/transcriptions/1779/03/011.jpg)

Friday March 19th 1779.

Present Impey & Hyde. at 9o30’
Afterward Chambers came.
Benjamin Lacam
Warren Hastings, Richard Barwell, Philip Francis, William Marriot, John Shore, Peter Moore and John Perring.
Mr. Lawrence moves for four days further time to answer: Granted.

[Single Line]
Modun Dutt
v |36,632:12
Robert Holme, administrator of John Holme. Bal. Current Rs.
[ILL]nd Debts Pleaded:
Admissions on both sides.
Administrator of Assets Quando Acciderint.
38,865 Cr. Rs. Damages
11,640 Cr Rs.
Money Lent
Johnson’s Cause.