1786-12-28 (static/transcriptions/1786/12/468.jpg)
Fort William in Bengal
The Jurors of our Lord the King upon their Oath present that Collypersaud Ghose of Calcutta at Fort William in Bengal Inhabitant on the first day of June in the twenty sixth year of the reigh of our Soberign Lord George the third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland. King Defender of the faith and so forth at Calcutta and Factory of Fort William in the Province of Bengal feloniously did steal take and carry away one Order for payment of money of the value of five hundred Pounds of lawful money of Great Britain signed under the hand of one William Bastou Esquire then President of the Board of Trade in the service of the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies bearing date the thirtieth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty five and drawn by the said William Bastou as President of the said Board of Trade as aforesaid on one Charles Croftes Sub Treasurer in the said service of the said United Company by which said Order the said William Bastou did require the said Charles Croftes to pay to one James English Keighly by the name and description