1786-12-28 (static/transcriptions/1786/12/470.jpg)

The faith and so forth at Calcutta aforesaid and Factory aforesaid in the Province aforesaid feloniously did steal take and carry away one Bill of Exchange for payment of money of the value of five hundred Pounds of lawful money of Great Britain signed under the hand of one William Barton bearing date the thirtieth day of May in the said year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty five and drawn by the said William Barton on one Charles Croftes by which said Bill of Exchange the said William Barton did require the said Charles Croftes to pay to one James Inglish. Keighly by the name and description of Mr. I. I. Keighly or order the sum of Current Rupees five thousand (the said Bill of Exchange at the time of committing the felony aforesaid being property of one Sean Hendrick Herrimann and the said sum of Current Rupees Five thousand payable and secured by the said Bill of Exchange being then due and unsatisfied to the said Sean Hendrick Herriman the proprietor thereof.) against the Form of the Statute in such case made and provided and against the Peace aforesaid, Lord