1786-12-28 (static/transcriptions/1786/12/519.jpg)
was setting the discount, I asked Gaurheri from whom he received the draught, he said, from Caliprasad Ghos, Mr. Driver’s Banyan. Gaurheri said he then was and for a long time had been in the Service of Caliprasad. After the discount was settled, I gave information of it to Crishnaprasad Haldher who purchased the draught, & ordered the money be paid at Mr. Malony’s house. I then returned to Gaurheri, & asked him if he made any profit on the sale of the draught. he said yes, a profit of half a rupee prc t and that he would give me half of that profit. A little time after Gaurheri was gone, I sent [Calisancar?] to bring my share of the profit, who brought me ten rupees. In the month of October, when the draught