1786-12-28 (static/transcriptions/1786/12/520.jpg)
became payable, I went to receive the amount at Mr. Cheap’s office, where I had notice that a draught of the number 615 was ordered to be stopped. I, therefore carried the draught back, and I told Crishnaprasad Haldher what had been done. Crishnaprasad ordered me to make inquiries for the man, who had brought the draught to be sold. I sent to inquire for Gaurheri, but the person I sent brought me word, that he had absconded. Then I, Calisancar, and Heri Podar went to the house of the Prisoner, in whose name Gaurheri had brought to be sold. The Prisoner not being at home, [I stayed?] till Calisancar brought him.