1787-12-10 (static/transcriptions/1787/12/088.jpg)
same Day – before the same Judge.
The King }
against } for a misdemeanor in
Francisco Imbeiro} receiving stolen goods.
The indictment charges that on the 3d of Dec: 1787 (23 Geo. 3d) did unlawfully, unjustly, & for the sake of wicked gain, receive and have 100 bottles of liquor called Madeira wine, value 4 shillings, of the goods and chattels of Lawrence Gomez, then lately before feloniously stolen, by certain persons to the Jurors unknown; he then said Fr. Imbeira well knowing the said goods to have been feloniously stolen, to the damage of Lawr. Gomez agt the form of the statute & against the peace of &c. And the Jurors further present that prisr is subject to the Jurisdon of this