1787-12-11 (static/transcriptions/1787/12/124.jpg)


debt) and that assignment, which was for the purpose of paying Plfs feist & afterwards for the benefit of all Credrs, was accompanied by an immediate delivery of possion. I am The Credts all agred to this, except James & Little who were indemnified by Plfs for ½ their demand & were to have come in pro rata with other Cred:rs if anything was still due to them on the [ILL] of the other half.

No. 1. 1 Wts for Plf
Thos Jones.
proves the Execution of Exh: A. & that [ILL] was delivered to the Plfs of a table in the name of all the the goods [ILL] were debd to Plfs, & that he [ILL] taking an [account?] of the goods in [ILL] as it seems [ILL] Campbell]