1787-12-11 (static/transcriptions/1787/12/130.jpg)
before the rest is void.
A. Bond is execd for 2500 Rs. on the 3d of OCtr payable the 12th but the Warrt of Atty, - is to confess Jt in the next Term which did not comce till the 22d of Octr, if there was any Jt before entered up, the Jt Credr might have taken Exec— befor the now Plfs cod obtain it. It is pretended that this is a conveyance in favr of Credrs but it is in fact a Trust for the benefit of Plfs themselves. He then quoted sevl passages from the case of Worseley v De Mattos – 1 Burrow 467. & that of Aldersey v Temple 4 Burrow 2235. and the case of Cadogan v Kennet in Cowper 434.
Mr. Church on the same side
If a similar qu: to this arose in England, the [ILL] wod be an Act of [ILL]; and though the
Stats of B [ILL]