1787-12-11 (static/transcriptions/1787/12/131.jpg)
Statutes of Bey do not extend to this Country, the Stat: of 13 Eliz does and I contend that this assignmt is fraudulent by the Statute.
The case of the Assees of Fordyee agt [ILL] Fisher in Cowper 117 seems to determine this case. The case of Linton v. Bartlett, quoted in. pa: 120, was an assignment similar to this but only of a part of the goods. The dd was held to be an Act of [ILL] & here it is evidence of insolvency. In the principal case – Ld Mansfld pa: 123 takes notice of Small v Oudley & says it has bn extremely shaken by that of Linton v Bartlett.
Qu. 4 Burrows 2239 [ILL]