1787-12-11 (static/transcriptions/1787/12/128.jpg)
the assignmt. A. – A meeting of the Credrs on the 15th of Octr Bondfield Brown & Sanderson signed Exh: C in Wts’s presence the rest signed [ILL]
Read [ILL] a Bond from Wade & Matthews to Plf – d: 3 Oct 1787 conditioned for paymt of SR 25000 – but cancelled as aforesd.
Read C. A Warrt of Atty to confess Judgemt on the bond B: dated on the same day & cancelled as aforesaid.
No. 10. Mr. Davies admits that Messrs James, Little, Brown &c, &c are Crdrs of Wade & Matthews, and that L. M. N. & O are 4 writs of Sequestration issued at suit of those Credrs [ILL] Octr under which the Sheriff’s seized the goods in question.