1787-12-11 (static/transcriptions/1787/12/134.jpg)

them is inapplicable to the case before the Court, which must be considered as if it had happened in England between the 13 Eliz & 21 Jas 1 or as if it were the case of a man who is not a trader.
In the case of Cadogan & ors v Kennet the Bt. Laws were out of the question and Lord M there said (Cowper 434) The Principles and Rules of the Common: Law, as now universally known and understood, are so strong against fraud in every shape, htat the common law would have attained every end proposed by the Statutes 13 El. C. 5. And 27 El. C. 4. The former of these Statutes relates to creditors only; the latter to purchasers.