1787-12-18 (static/transcriptions/1787/12/193.jpg)


of D. K. that he pd sevl Sums on accot of those bonds, & on accot of his joint bond wth M: M. Dutt to the Deft.

To the 5 x Int:
When D. K. ordered money to be pd. Ramch Meter, or in his absence Seebram Sandal &c, used to make the 1st entry of such paymts.
No fixed time for taking his Accts.

[Single Line]
Answ of Ramsunker Paulit.
To the 3d x Int:
He recd an order fm D. K. to pay CR 12000 to Deft on accot of a joint Bd of D. K & M. M. Dutt, [which?] as pd in Dept’s presence by Ramct