1787-12-18 (static/transcriptions/1787/12/196.jpg)


Answer as relates to the securities and to the Accot at the End of the Answr.

Ansr says
that Deft has often lent m to D. K. on Bonds &c [ILL] did [from] time to time rec partial paymts in Explan— of which transaction Deft says that 11 Aug. 1781 – D. K. execd a Bd for Deft to Gower Hurry in penal CR 16000 for 8000 that on 23 Dec: 1782, D. K. execd anor bond in the penalty of 26000 for CR 13000, & on 24 Apr 84. D. K. exd anor bond to Deft in penalty of 7600, [ILL] for [ILL]