1787-12-18 (static/transcriptions/1787/12/197.jpg)
that on 19 Febr. 1785 Deft lent D. K. 5000 S. R. for repayment of [which] D. K. gave a note.
That on 6 May 84 Deft deld to K. a Treary order for 11000 for which D. K. deposited many orders &c &c with Deft as securities for the sd sevl sums. And such papers to the amt of 28446 Rs are now in Deft’s possion as collat: securities for the money due from Killican.
The Plf’s Advocs read on till the Deft had admitted that he had recd the Sum of CR 12000 (mentd in the bill) in Jan: 84 & wd then have stopt, but the Court was of opinion that what