1787-12-18 (static/transcriptions/1787/12/200.jpg)

Mr. Ledlie on the part of Complainant.
If the testimony on the part of the Plf is beld there cannot be a doubt that the Sum of CR 12000 was paid on accot of a Jt Bond of 13000.
If there be any doubt it may be with regard to Interest, but [ILL] this I say that, of the Sum of 3500 Rs mentd by Ramsunker Paulit Callipersaud Chatterjee – May 83 part must have been paid for Int: of this Jt. Bond. For the Int of the sep: bonds one for CR 8000 d: 11 Aug: 1781 – (Int: to 5 May 83 – CR 1388..14.3.) of Anor bond for 13000 – d. 23 Dec. 1782 – (Int: to 5 May 83 – CR 576.5.) adding