1788-01-09 (static/transcriptions/1788/01/086.jpg)

day then Int: due on Mr. K’s own bonds was only – CR 1965..3.6.

viz 1 Bond
viz 1 Bond d: Augt 1781. }
Int: to [ILL] May 83 (CR 8000)} 1388:16:6.
2d Bond 23 Dec. 1782. }
For 13000 – Int: to 5 May} 576: 5:0
CR 1965: 3:6
N. B. the reason assigned by Mr. Davies for his suffering Deft to rec: more than was then due for Interest.
The paper accot: Exh: C: which had been requested cod only come from Deft: - for it is not proved to be in the hand of D. K. or any of his Clerks