1788-01-23 (static/transcriptions/1788/01/170.jpg)

which contr: Deft subscribed an Undertaking as Security for Durgaram – that in conseq: thereof the Chunam was delivered but the money not pd &c
2d Cot for 2000 lent by Plf to Deft.
3d Cot for 2000 laid out by Plf for Deft.
4th for 2000 had & recd by Deft.
5th for 1112..9 Anas on insimul comput:
Dam: 2000 SR.
Plea Non assumpsit
Issue joined
N. B. In the first Count when it is charged that Durgaram did not pay within the 25 Days, it was by mistake said “that he did not pay the said Sum of Twenty six S. Rs for every 100 Mds instead of said Sum of 56 S.R. which