1788-02-04 (static/transcriptions/1788/02/033.jpg)

Same Day – Com: Law Business
[Horry] Sheal}
agt }
Anunderam }
Mundil }
Deft averred to be an Inhab: of Calcutta & subject to the Jurisdon of &c
1 Cot 1000 lent & advd to Deft by Plf & one Benudbeharry Shain since deceased
2d Co. 1000 had & recd by Deft for Plf & sd B. S.
3d Co. 1000 expended by Plf & B. S. for Deft
4 Co. 1000, on an Accot settled betw: Deft and the same two persons.
Dam 2000 SR
Cause set down ex pte
Just as Mr. Sealy was beginning to state these Pleadings, Mr. Church for Deft shew’d to the Cot a Rx made on the first of Febry for setting aside the Ex Parte Rule unless cause were shewn on the first of March next. Mr. Sealy who