1780-07-06 (static/transcriptions/1780/07/010.jpg)

1780. 3 Term. Thursday July 6.

Thursday July 6th 1780.
Sir E. Impey . . . . . . . at 9o:45’.
Sir Robert Chambers at 10o:-
Mr. Justice Hyde . . . at 9o:45’.

[Triple Line]
A few ordinary Motions.
John Doe,
on the Demise of
Ramnaut Seal
Bullram Chunder.

[Triple Line]
This was an Ejectment.
There was a
The Reason was that the Possession was proved in One Brother of an Hindoo Family who were undivided, which the Court consider’d as the possession of all the three Brothers, at least one of whom was proved to be living beside Ramnaut Seal, and therefore the Demise ought to have been laid by all the brothers who are now living.