1780-07-13 (static/transcriptions/1780/07/014.jpg)

1780. 3 Sittings. Thursday July 13.

Thursday July 13th 1780.
The first day of the Sittings
after the Third Term 1780.
Sir E. Impey . . . . . . . . . at 9o:15’.
Sir Robert Chambers . . .at 10o:15.
Mr. Justice Hyde . . . . . at 9o:30’.

[Triple Line]
In the Ecclesiastical Court.
In the Goods of Kirkman.
Mr. Kirkman, was at the time of his Death, which happen’d a month or two ago, in the Province of Oude, where he was one of the Deputy Paymasters, or Paymasters of Parts of the Company’s Forces. It is said, he was at the time of his Death indebted to the Company several Lacks of Rupees. he was also Indebted to Mr. Wilson, his Deputy in several thousand Rupees.
Mr. Kirkman at the time of his Death was owner of several houses in Calcutta, and perhaps had other Effects here.
Impey, when alone in Court to day had Granted a Motion for a Commission to Issue to Certain Persons in Oude
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