1788-07-16 (static/transcriptions/1788/07/219.jpg)

*Bridesman says Jeble adopted father – Juryman.

Agostino had been a witness of my wedding, and my *padrino, together with Rinaldo, I went to see where Agostino’s body lay. I went first to Rinaldo’s house and I went a second time at ten o’clock.

I had seen Agostino alive on the preceding evening: he came toRinaldo’s house about dusk, and asked me, if my master was at home. I said I would inquire and, on inquiry, I found that he was gone to one Peterson’s. I told Agostino that he was not at home. Agostino went away, saying he would return. While I was boiling rice Rinaldo came home and called for supper: I said I would serve the supper, when the rice was boiled: he said “never mind, give me some thing, though it be cold.” This was about seven o’clock. I put cold victuals on the table: who sate down to supper I do not know: there were only three persons in that room, Rinaldo, Antonio Faustino (the other prisoner) and one Pedro, nicknamed Cutcheek. I called him Pedro Maria by mistake,