1788-07-25 (static/transcriptions/1788/07/365.jpg)

Jannoo, Robt Harrison escaped by breaking prison. Never theless as there was some hope that he might be retaken a separate Indictmt for each murder was found against both the culprits in the following form.
Fort William} The Jurors for our Lord the King
in Bengal } upon their oath present that Robert
Harrison of Calcutta Labourer and Patrick Macan of Calcutta Labourer not having the fear of God before their Eyes but being moved and seduced by the instigation of the Devil on the eleventh day of December in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred & eighty seven and in the twenty eighth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the faith and so forth with force and arms at Calcutta and Factory of Fort William