1788-07-25 (static/transcriptions/1788/07/366.jpg)
in the Province of Bengal in and upon George in the peace of God and our said Lord the King then and there being feloniously wilfully and of their malice before thought did make an Assault and that the said Robert Harrison with a certain Knife of the value of six pence of Lawful money of Great Britain which he the said Robert Harrison in his right hand then & there had and held the said Georgee in and upon the left side of the Belly of him the said Georgee then & there feloniously wilfully and of his malice aforethought did strike and thoust giving to the said Georgee then and there with the Knife aforesaid in and upon the abovesaid leftside of the Belly of him the said Georgee one mortal wound of the breadth of three Inches and depth of six Inches of which said mortal wound the said George from the said eleventh day of December in the year aforesaid untill the twelfth day of the same month of December in the year aforesaid at Calcutta aforesaid and Factory aforesaid in the Province aforesaid did languish and languishing did live on which said twelfth day of December in the year aforesaid the said George at Calcutta aforesaid and Factory aforesaid in the Province aforesaid of the said mortal wound died And that the aforesaid Patrick Macan then & there feloniously wilfully and of his malice before thought was present